Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Galeria Borghese and the Gardens at Tivoli

On Tuedsay we visited the Galeria Borghese.  Like the Vatican Museum, reservations are needed to visit the galleryand must be booked well in advance.  But unlike the Vatican Museum they do not let a hoard of visitors in at the same time.  Napoleon bought at fire sale prices part of the Borghese family art collection which is now at the Louvre in Paris.  What remains is still most impressive, particularly the sculptures by Bernini and the paintings by Caravaggio.  Below, Daphne is saved from being ravished by Apollo when her father turns her into a tree.

Below is a painting by Caravaggio of his young friend and good drinking buddy.

Today we drove to Tivoli to visit the gardens at Villa D'Este, the country home of the son of Lucrezia Borgia.  These are probably the most grandiose of all renaissance gardens and are over the top in every way.  Bob and Nancy Hunt cuddle next to la Fontana dell'Ovato.

Below is a view of the garden taken from above the Fontana di Nettuno

We lunched in Tivoli at Ristorante Sibilla di la Mura Luigia where the outdoor seating area is adjacent to the ruins of two Roman temples.  The antepasta trays also are spectacular.

Two outside walls are festooned with plaques commemorating the visits to the restaurant of just about every member of European, Asian and Middle Eastern royalty.  In spite of this, the place is good value for the money.

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